View our frequently asked questions below. If your question is unanswered here or you need more details, please email [email protected] with “CC inquiry.”
- Are organizations eligible to apply?
No. The Creative Catalyst Fellowship is designed for individual artists to apply. - Are international artists eligible to apply? Is there a U.S. citizenship requirement for applicants?
Yes, international artists may apply, but keep in mind that the project must align with one of the three themes. Also, there will be additional requirements for international artists, to ensure we are in compliance with federal law.
There is no U.S. citizenship requirement. However, selected artists will be required to submit either a W-9 (U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien) or a W8-BEN (for a person outside of the United States). - Can minors apply?
No. You must be 18 or older to be eligible. - Is my artwork (writing, performance, video/film, podcast/sound/music, etc.) eligible to apply?
Yes. We are accepting applications for all mediums. - Are there any topics or audiences that are off-limits?
Yes. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, we cannot accept topics that advocate for or against an individual seeking elected or appointed office. For the purposes of this project, we also cannot accept topics that are considered lobbying under IRS regulation. Fellowships will be selected based on the stated criteria and how well the proposal addresses one of the themes of In It Together, Belonging, or Voting Together. - Can the project be a version of a pre-existing project and/or a part of a larger project?
Yes. As long as it fulfills the stated criteria.
- Is there a word limit on the questions?
Yes. Please see the RFP for word limits. We advise you to keep your response clear and concise. - If I wasn’t selected, can I reapply?
Yes, but please ensure your package follows this year’s guidelines as outlined in the 2025 RFP. Email and indicate in the subject: “Re-Submission of CC Fellowship” and send the complete package again. - Can I submit multiple project proposals?
Yes, but we will only fund one proposal per applicant. - Is there a way to view the application questions without navigating the Google Form?
Yes, you can view the Google Form to see all of its questions on one page. Additionally, we have uploaded the questions as a PDF here. - Can I submit my website or a portfolio, instead of uploading files?
Yes. Using the application form, you can submit a link to a website or portfolio. Keep in mind our requested naming convention for sample work and our limit of five (5) examples per applicant. - What type of work samples are you looking for?
We are looking for work samples that showcase your skills and past work as an artist to help us assess the strength of your proposal. - Are there examples of past projects that were funded?
Yes. See here. - Who is on the jury?
The selection committee comprises two women of color, independent artists and our own Executive Director who has deep experience in cultural art. Proposals will be selected based on the stated criteria.
Project scope
- Should the project cover all three themes?
No. Though we see the three themes as related, and may intersect, you must select one as your central theme. - Is the theme of Solidarity exclusive to AAPI/Black solidarity?
No. Solidarity can include other people of color and other marginalized groups. - Should projects address an election and voting, even if the theme chosen is not Voting Together?
Not mandatory. Projects in the “In it Together” and “Belonging” categories can, but are not required to, include election and voting. Because we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, projects must be nonpartisan and cannot mention specific candidates. (e.g., “vote for Candidate A” or “vote against Candidate B” is prohibited, but “get out and vote to have your voice heard” is allowed). More information on this guidance can be found here. - Will artists be responsible for distribution and publicity?
Artists will not solely be responsible for distribution and publicity. Our longtime communications partner, Change Consulting, LLC, will support the selected artists individually. - Are there any other requirements of fellows besides producing the final artwork by March 15, 2024?
Fellows will be required to:- Attend a virtual orientation at the beginning of the program
- Attend a two-day in-person Creative Catalyst Fellows retreat in July 2025 (location TBD)
- Participate in virtual check-ins throughout the fellowship
- Submit the Narrative Report as indicated in the timeline.
- Fellows may be invited to attend AAPI Fund-related events and showcase their art during the fellowship, but attendance is not mandatory. In addition, artists will be involved in the distribution and publicity of their artwork.
Payments and contract
- Do you require a financial report or a budget for the $30,000?
No. The $30,000 fellowship is payment for your work. The contract will be a fee-for-service contract. Please note that the payment will be taxable as income. - Does the artist retain the right to their artwork?
Artists will retain the full ownership of their art, but we will require the ability to reproduce the artwork as part of our charitable activities.